Provides various services for requesting product information.

Fetch Complete Information of Products V2

Allows to fetch extensive product information in different formats (existence flag, JSON or HTML). Up to 30 products can be requested in a single call.

POST JSON /portals/api/v2/product/data
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
Description Example
General and product-specific queries.
Content-Type: application/json
  "outputMode": "normal",
  "queries": {
       "product-images": {
        "type": "json",
        "settings": {
            "limit": 5
        "attachments": {
        "type": "json",
        "settings": {
            "hideGroups": true
  "products": [
      "itemNumber": "2186 183",
      "supplierNumber": "WI",
      "queries": {
        "cover": {
          "type": "exists"
      "itemNumber": "2186 183",
      "supplierNumber": "WI",
      "queries": {
Description Example
200 General and product-specific queries.
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": true,
    "error": false,
    "products": [{
         "productId": "ABC123",
         "supplierNumber": "WI",
         "itemNumber": "2186 183",
         "queries": [
                 "name": "product-images",
                 "error": false,
                 "images": [{
                     "type": "COLORED_IMAGE",
                     "typeName": "Produktbild",
                     "description": null,
                     "filename": "product.png",
                     "iconUrl": "",
                     "downloadUrl": "",
                     "fingerprint": "ABC123",
                     "fileSize": "189.54 KB",
                     "fileSizeInBytes": 189537
                 "name": "attachments",
                 "error": false,
                 "documents": [{
                     "id": "11002077",
                     "name": "Dokument 1",
                     "internalName": "document 1",
                     "brand": "Marke 1",
                     "brandIcon": "http://localhost:9000/assets/images/brand-preview.png",
                     "outdated": false,
                     "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "pages": [
                             "pageNumber": 1,
                             "pageName": "1",
                             "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                             "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg"
                "name": "cover",
                "error": false,
                "exists": true
         "productId": "ABC124",
         "supplierNumber": "WI",
         "itemNumber": "2186 184",
         "queries": [
                 "name": "product-images",
                 "error": false,
                 "images": [{
                     "type": "COLORED_IMAGE",
                     "typeName": "Produktbild",
                     "description": null,
                     "filename": "product2.png",
                     "iconUrl": "",
                     "downloadUrl": "",
                     "fingerprint": "ABC123",
                     "fileSize": "189.54 KB",
                     "fileSizeInBytes": 189537
                 "name": "attachments",
                 "error": false,
                 "documents": [{
                     "id": "11002077",
                     "name": "Dokument 2",
                     "internalName": "document 2",
                     "brand": "Marke 1",
                     "brandIcon": "http://localhost:9000/assets/images/brand-preview.png",
                     "outdated": false,
                     "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "pages": [
                             "pageNumber": 2,
                             "pageName": "2",
                             "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                             "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Fetch Complete Information of Products V1 Deprecated

Allows to fetch extensive product information in different formats (existence flag, JSON or HTML). Up to 30 products can be requested by numbering the parameters itemNumber, supplierNumber or productId upwards.

GET JSON /portals/api/v1/product/data
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
gtin1 Specifies the GTIN of the product to search for. Can be used as an alternative to 'itemNumber1'. false 12345678901231
itemNumber1 Specifies the item number to search for. Required if no 'productId1' is provided. false 2186 183
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
model1 Specifies the model of the product to search for. Can be used as an alternative to 'itemNumber1'. false Model 2186 White
productId1 Specifies the product entity ID to search for. Required if no 'itemNumber1' is provided. false ABC123
queries Specifies the information to fetch for each product. Provide no suffix for JSON Data, suffix '-html' for rendered HTML and '-exists' for a boolean flag. This parameter could be provided multiple times with one parameter-value-pair for each queried information. See Produktdaten for possible values. false attachments-html
queries1 Specifies the information to fetch for a specific product. Provide no suffix for JSON Data, suffix '-html' for rendered HTML and '-exists' for a boolean flag. This parameter could be provided multiple times with one parameter-value-pair for each queried information. false attachments-html
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
supplierNumber1 Specifies the number of the supplier of the product to search for. false WI
Description Example
200 Images and document pages for multiple products.
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": true,
    "error": false,
    "products": [{
         "productId": "ABC123",
         "supplierNumber": "WI",
         "itemNumber": "2186 183",
         "queries": [
                 "name": "product-images",
                 "error": false,
                 "images": [{
                     "type": "COLORED_IMAGE",
                     "typeName": "Produktbild",
                     "description": null,
                     "filename": "product.png",
                     "iconUrl": "",
                     "downloadUrl": "",
                     "fingerprint": "ABC123",
                     "fileSize": "189.54 KB",
                     "fileSizeInBytes": 189537
                 "name": "attachments",
                 "error": false,
                 "documents": [{
                     "id": "11002077",
                     "name": "Dokument 1",
                     "internalName": "document 1",
                     "brand": "Marke 1",
                     "brandIcon": "http://localhost:9000/assets/images/brand-preview.png",
                     "outdated": false,
                     "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "pages": [
                             "pageNumber": 1,
                             "pageName": "1",
                             "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                             "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg"
         "productId": "ABC124",
         "supplierNumber": "WI",
         "itemNumber": "2186 184",
         "queries": [
                 "name": "product-images",
                 "error": false,
                 "images": [{
                     "type": "COLORED_IMAGE",
                     "typeName": "Produktbild",
                     "description": null,
                     "filename": "product2.png",
                     "iconUrl": "",
                     "downloadUrl": "",
                     "fingerprint": "ABC123",
                     "fileSize": "189.54 KB",
                     "fileSizeInBytes": 189537
                 "name": "attachments",
                 "error": false,
                 "documents": [{
                     "id": "11002077",
                     "name": "Dokument 2",
                     "internalName": "document 2",
                     "brand": "Marke 1",
                     "brandIcon": "http://localhost:9000/assets/images/brand-preview.png",
                     "outdated": false,
                     "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                     "pages": [
                             "pageNumber": 2,
                             "pageName": "2",
                             "previewUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg",
                             "mediumUrl": "http://localhost:9000/dasd/p/documents/.../.../....jpg"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Product Availability

Obtains product availability details from manufacturers. Up to 100 items can be requested by numbering the parameters item, quantity and unit upwards.


POST JSON /portals/api/v1/products/availability
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
itemNumber1 Item number true 2186 183
mode Mode (cached or live) true live
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
quantity1 Item quantity false 500
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
supplierNumber1 Supplier number in the partnership false WI
unit1 Item unit related to the item quantity false PCE
Description Example
200 Successful response
Content-Type: application/json
  items: [
      "itemNumber": "2186 183",
      "normalizedItemNumber": "2186183",
      "supplierNumber": "WI",
      "requestedQuantity": 500,
      "cached": false,
      "unknownPartner": false,
      "expectedRenewedAvailability": "2022-08-15",
      "unit": "PCE",
      "unitName": "Stück",
      "stock": 1200,
      "stockIndicator": "LOW",
      "stockMessage": "Geringer Bestand: 1.200 Stk",
      "computedStockMessage": "Geringer Bestand: 1.200 Stk",
      "manufacturerStockMessage": "",
      "manufacturingTimeDays": null
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Product Availability

Obtains product availability details from manufacturers. Up to 100 items can be requested.


POST XML /portals/api/xml/v1/products/availability
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
mode Mode (cached or live) true live
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
Description Example
Single item
Content-Type: text/xml
    <itemNumber>2186 183</itemNumber>
Description Example
200 Single item
Content-Type: text/xml
     <itemNumber>2186 183</itemNumber>
     <stockMessage>Geringer Bestand: 1.200 Stk</stockMessage>
     <computedStockMessage>Geringer Bestand: 1.200 Stk</computedStockMessage>
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: text/xml
    <message>The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled.</message>
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: text/xml
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: text/xml
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: text/xml
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: text/xml
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: text/xml

Resolve GTIN to Product

Resolves a product from a given GTIN13 or GTIN14.


GET JSON /portals/api/v1/products/resolve-gtin
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
gtin A valid GTIN13 or GTIN14 that should be resolved to a supplier and item number pair. true 12345678901231
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
Description Example
200 Product resolved
Content-Type: application/json
  "success": true,
  "error": false,
  "resolved": true,
  "supplierNumber": "0815",
  "supplierItemNumber": "PRODUCT-123"
200 Product not found
Content-Type: application/json
  "success": true,
  "error": false,
  "resolved": false
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Resolve GTIN to Product

Resolves a product from a given GTIN13 or GTIN14.


GET XML /portals/api/xml/v1/products/resolve-gtin
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
gtin A valid GTIN13 or GTIN14 that should be resolved to a supplier and item number pair. true 00012345600012
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
Description Example
200 Product resolved
Content-Type: text/xml
200 Product not found
Content-Type: text/xml
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: text/xml
    <message>The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled.</message>
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: text/xml
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: text/xml
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: text/xml
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: text/xml
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: text/xml

Synchronize Product Information Graph V2

Provides an API to synchronize / query products which have changed since the last sync in the product information graph for the given portal.

GET JSON /portals/api/v2/products/changed
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
apiToken The id of the portal API token to use for this request. The API token also needs to be considered during the computation of the access token. See Authentifizierung for details. true KJ9M1HEM2KEVRQS2KQFPO2TRS8
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
syncStart A date and time that indicates, when the sync was started. true 2022-11-23 10:19:42
user User name true john.doe
blocks A comma-separated string deciding which blocks should be included in the response. The PRICES block is only available in selected portals. false CLASSIFICATIONS,FEATURES,PROPERTIES,TEXTS,IMAGES,ATTACHMENTS,PRICES
classificationLabelLanguages The language codes to which classification and feature codes will be translated. No classification labels will be returned if this parameter is not set. false en,de
continuationToken If the query result is too large for one response, this indicates the id of the product where the next query should continue. If the returned value is "-", the query reached the last block of data and no more products are available. false K58LMG8E9SI5PR9LR8NBHMO9K8
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
supplierNumber Specifies the number of the supplier to filter by. false 0815
Description Example
200 A list of products.
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": true,
    "error": false,
    "products": [
            "id": "VHPKG8BLQEKO58DKT2LEDD55EC",
            "visibleItemNumber": "ST.001.A",
            "itemNumber": "ST.001.A",
            "gtin": "00012345600012",
            "model": "ST 001 A",
            "supplierNumber": "1351",
            "supplierNumbers": ["1351, 1352, 1353"],
            "productGroup": "product_group_code",
            "lang": "de",
            "countries": ["de", "at"],
            "lifecycle": "ACTIVE",
            "brand": {
                "id": "DIS0LA5ACOU1IC717VV3I614CS",
                "name": "ST Sanitär",
                "slogan": "",
                "mediumImageUrl": ""
            "seriesCode": "ST-CeramX",
            "seriesNormalizedCode": "st-ceramx",
            "seriesName": "ST-CeramX",
            "series": {
                "name": "ST-CeramX",
                "slogan": "",
                "marketingText": "",
                "previewImageUrl": "",
                "mediumImageUrl": ""
            "shortText": "Halbeinbauwaschtisch weiß mit Tisch schwarz",
            "type": "PRODUCT",
            "variantGroup": "WT3690",
            "variantPriority": 100,
            "variantMaster": {
                "filename": "WT3690.png",
                "description": "",
                "previewImageUrl": "",
                "mediumImageUrl": "",
                "hdImageUrl": "",
                "previewIsVariantImage": true
            "classifications": [
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "classificationCode": "EC011550",
                    "groupCode": "EG017110",
                    "labels": {
                        "classificationCode": {
                            "de": "Waschbecken",
                            "en": "Washbasin"
                        "groupCode": {
                            "de": "Sanitärkeramiken",
                            "en": "(Wastewater) reception devices"
                    "classificationSystem": "CUSTOM",
                    "classificationCode": "-"
            "features": [
                    "classificationSystem": "CUSTOM",
                    "code": "Made-To-Order",
                    "value": "false",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF002169",
                    "value": "EV000572",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": null,
                    "labels": {
                        "code": {
                            "de": "Werkstoff",
                            "en": "Material"
                        "value": {
                            "de": "Keramik",
                            "en": "Ceramics"
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF020348",
                    "value": "true",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": null,
                    "labels": {
                        "code": {
                            "de": "Mit Überlauf",
                            "en": "With overflow"
                        "value": {
                            "de": "Ja",
                            "en": "Yes"
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF020710",
                    "value": "4",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": "EU570448",
                    "labels": {
                        "code": {
                            "de": "Durchmesser Ablaufloch",
                            "en": "Diameter of drain hole"
                        "effectiveUnit": {
                            "de": "mm",
                            "en": "mm"
            "properties": [
                    "code": "COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN",
                    "value": "de",
                    "value2": null
            "texts": [
                    "type": "DESCRIPTION",
                    "lang": "de",
                    "textOriginal": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
            "images": [
                    "type": "COLORED_IMAGE",
                    "filename": "item_thumbnail_large.jpg",
                    "priority": 1,
                    "previewImageUrl": "",
                    "mediumImageUrl": "",
                    "hdImageUrl": ""
            "attachments": [
                    "type": "BROCHURE",
                    "filename": "external_file.pdf",
                    "url": ""
                    "type": "INSTALLATION_MANUAL",
                    "filename": "installation_manual.pdf",
                    "url": ""
            "pricing": {
                "discountGroup": "discount_group_code",
                "bonusGroup": "bonus_group_code",
                "prices": [
                        "type": "LIST_EXCL_VAT",
                        "amount": "15.00",
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "priceLine": null,
                        "lowerBound": 1,
                        "validFrom": "2024-01-01",
                        "validUntil": null
                        "type": "RRP_INCL_VAT",
                        "amount": "39.99",
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "priceLine": null,
                        "lowerBound": 1,
                        "validFrom": "2024-01-01",
                        "validUntil": null
    "continuationToken": "-"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Synchronize Product Information Graph V1 Deprecated

Provides an API to synchronize / query products which have changed since the last sync in the product information graph for the given portal.

GET JSON /portals/api/v1/products/changed
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
apiToken The id of the portal API token to use for this request. The API token also needs to be considered during the computation of the access token. See Authentifizierung for details. true KJ9M1HEM2KEVRQS2KQFPO2TRS8
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
syncStart A date and time that indicates, when the sync was started. true 2022-11-23 10:19:42
user User name true john.doe
blocks A comma-separated string deciding which blocks should be included in the response. false CLASSIFICATIONS,FEATURES,PROPERTIES,TEXTS,IMAGES,ATTACHMENTS
classificationLabelLanguages The language codes to which classification and feature codes will be translated. No classification labels will be returned if this parameter is not set. false en,de
continuationToken If the query result is too large for one response, this indicates the id of the product where the next query should continue. If the returned value is "-", the query reached the last block of data and no more products are available. false K58LMG8E9SI5PR9LR8NBHMO9K8
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
supplierNumber Specifies the number of the supplier to filter by. false 0815
Description Example
200 A list of products.
Content-Type: application/json
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    "error": false,
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            "model": "ST 001 A",
            "supplierNumber": "1351",
            "lang": "de",
            "countries": ["de", "at"],
            "lifecycle": "ACTIVE",
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                            "de": "Werkstoff",
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                    "unit": null,
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                    "labels": {
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                            "de": "Mit Überlauf",
                            "en": "With overflow"
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                            "de": "Ja",
                            "en": "Yes"
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF020710",
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                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": "EU570448",
                    "labels": {
                        "code": {
                            "de": "Durchmesser Ablaufloch",
                            "en": "Diameter of drain hole"
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    "continuationToken": "-"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Fetch individual products in SPX (formerly SCAT) format V2

With the provided itemNumber and/or GTIN.

GET JSON /portals/api/v2/products/spx
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
apiToken The id of the portal API token to use for this request. The API token also needs to be considered during the computation of the access token. See Authentifizierung for details. true KJ9M1HEM2KEVRQS2KQFPO2TRS8
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
blocks A comma-separated string deciding which blocks should be included in the response. The PRICES block is only available in selected portals. false CLASSIFICATIONS,FEATURES,PROPERTIES,TEXTS,IMAGES,ATTACHMENTS,PRICES
classificationLabelLanguages The language codes to which classification and feature codes will be translated. No classification labels will be returned if this parameter is not set. false en,de
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
gtin Specifies the GTIN to filter by. Required if no 'itemNumber' is provided. false 00012345600012
itemNumber Specifies the item number to filter by. Required if no 'gtin' is provided. false ST.001.A
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
supplierNumber Specifies the number of the supplier to filter by. false 0815
Description Example
200 A list of products.
Content-Type: application/json
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    "error": false,
    "products": [
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            "supplierNumbers": ["1351, 1352, 1353"],
            "productGroup": "product_group_code",
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            "countries": ["de", "at"],
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                            "en": "Washbasin"
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                            "de": "Sanitärkeramiken",
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                        "code": {
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                            "en": "Material"
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                            "de": "Keramik",
                            "en": "Ceramics"
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF020348",
                    "value": "true",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": null,
                    "labels": {
                        "code": {
                            "de": "Mit Überlauf",
                            "en": "With overflow"
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                            "de": "Ja",
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                            "en": "Diameter of drain hole"
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                            "en": "mm"
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                        "priceLine": null,
                        "lowerBound": 1,
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                        "validUntil": null
                        "type": "RRP_INCL_VAT",
                        "amount": "39.99",
                        "currency": "EUR",
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                        "lowerBound": 1,
                        "validFrom": "2024-01-01",
                        "validUntil": null
    "continuationToken": "-"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Fetch individual products in SPX (formerly SCAT) format V1 Deprecated

With the provided itemNumber and/or GTIN.

GET JSON /portals/api/v1/products/scat
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
apiToken The id of the portal API token to use for this request. The API token also needs to be considered during the computation of the access token. See Authentifizierung for details. true KJ9M1HEM2KEVRQS2KQFPO2TRS8
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
blocks A comma-separated string deciding which blocks should be included in the response. false CLASSIFICATIONS,FEATURES,PROPERTIES,TEXTS,IMAGES,ATTACHMENTS
classificationLabelLanguages The language codes to which classification and feature codes will be translated. No classification labels will be returned if this parameter is not set. false en,de
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
gtin Specifies the GTIN to filter by. Required if no 'itemNumber' is provided. false 00012345600012
itemNumber Specifies the item number to filter by. Required if no 'gtin' is provided. false ST.001.A
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
supplierNumber Specifies the number of the supplier to filter by. false 0815
Description Example
200 A list of products.
Content-Type: application/json
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    "error": false,
    "products": [
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            "visibleItemNumber": "ST.001.A",
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            "model": "ST 001 A",
            "supplierNumber": "1351",
            "lang": "de",
            "countries": ["de", "at"],
            "lifecycle": "ACTIVE",
            "brand": {
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                "name": "ST Sanitär",
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            "seriesName": "ST-CeramX",
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                "name": "ST-CeramX",
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                "mediumImageUrl": ""
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                    "classificationCode": "EC011550",
                    "groupCode": "EG017110",
                    "labels": {
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                            "de": "Waschbecken",
                            "en": "Washbasin"
                        "groupCode": {
                            "de": "Sanitärkeramiken",
                            "en": "(Wastewater) reception devices"
                    "classificationSystem": "CUSTOM",
                    "classificationCode": "-"
            "features": [
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                    "code": "Made-To-Order",
                    "value": "false",
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                    "unit": null
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF002169",
                    "value": "EV000572",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": null,
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                        "code": {
                            "de": "Werkstoff",
                            "en": "Material"
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                            "de": "Keramik",
                            "en": "Ceramics"
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF020348",
                    "value": "true",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": null,
                    "labels": {
                        "code": {
                            "de": "Mit Überlauf",
                            "en": "With overflow"
                        "value": {
                            "de": "Ja",
                            "en": "Yes"
                    "classificationSystem": "ETIM-9",
                    "code": "EF020710",
                    "value": "4",
                    "value2": null,
                    "unit": null,
                    "effectiveUnit": "EU570448",
                    "labels": {
                        "code": {
                            "de": "Durchmesser Ablaufloch",
                            "en": "Diameter of drain hole"
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                            "de": "mm",
                            "en": "mm"
            "properties": [
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                    "lang": "de",
                    "textOriginal": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
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                    "filename": "item_thumbnail_large.jpg",
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            "attachments": [
                    "type": "BROCHURE",
                    "filename": "external_file.pdf",
                    "url": ""
                    "type": "INSTALLATION_MANUAL",
                    "filename": "installation_manual.pdf",
                    "url": ""
    "continuationToken": "-"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Synchronize Portal API-Token Date

Provides an API to synchronize the sync date of the provided API key to the given date.

GET JSON /portals/api/v1/core/update-sync-date
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
apiToken The id of the portal API token to use for this request. The API token also needs to be considered during the computation of the access token. See Authentifizierung for details. true KJ9M1HEM2KEVRQS2KQFPO2TRS8
date A date and time to which the sync date of the API key should be set to. true 2022-11-23 10:19:42
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
Description Example
200 Successful response
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": true,
    "error": false
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json